How To Make Pot Brownies: Step-by-Step Recipe
A delicious, long-lasting, and smoke-free way to enjoy cannabis, the quintessential pot brownie—or “happy brownie” as it’s been called throughout the years—has been refined and perfected over decades and can now be found in as many variations as there are cannabis strains.
Infused brownies are a fun and convenient way to consume cannabis, and though you can always find pre-made options with fancy ingredients lining dispensary shelves, making your own at home can be well worth the time and effort. After all, who doesn’t love a warm, gooey brownie fresh from the oven? Add a dose of THC, and you’ve got the perfect after-dinner dessert or midday treat.
If you’ve never made weed brownies before or want to refine your recipe, read on for our easy, tasty cannabutter and pot brownie recipes. With just a few ingredients, you’ll be on your way to chocolatey and stoney bliss.
Decarboxylating Your Cannabis
There are a couple of things you’ll need to do before you can actually start making pot brownies. If you’re starting with raw plant material, the first step is to decarboxylate your cannabis.
What Is Decarboxylation?
Decarboxylation is the process that activates the cannabinoids in your cannabis. Mainly, it converts non-intoxicating THCA into activated and intoxicating THC through gentle heating.
Once decarboxylated and consumed in an edible, THC transforms further into 11-hydroxy-THC as it passes through your digestive system with effects that can feel more potent and last for several hours. The effects from edibles are usually felt between 30 - 45 minutes after ingestion, but it’s recommended to wait at least 90 minutes from the first dose to the second dose to avoid consuming too much too quickly.
How to Decarboxylate Cannabis
You can easily decarboxylate cannabis in your oven. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to get you on your way:
- Preheat the oven to 225°F
- Roughly grind up your flower and spread it out over a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper
- Set a timer and place the baking sheet in the oven for about 30 minutes
- When finished, remove and let cool. Your finished flower should have a light brown tinge to it
Pro Tip: Too high of heat or too long in the oven, and your cannabis will go past THC activation and into useless burnt flower. So keep a careful eye on your cannabis and check on its progress periodically.
How to Make Cannabutter: Step-by-Step Guide
The amount of decarbed cannabis and butter you specifically need will depend on how much butter you want to make and how potent you want it to be. This can involve a bit of math, but this nifty Scientific Edibles Calculator is a great alternative for those of us who aren’t so good with numbers.
- Ground decarbed cannabis
- Butter or oil
- Double boiler or slow cooker
- Cheesecloth
- Mason jar
Homemade Cannabutter Recipe
- Melt butter or put the desired amount of oil in the top pan of your double boiler with water on bottom
- Once melted or heated to a low heat of roughly 225°F—low to medium-low heat stove top or low heat in a slow cooker—add your decarbed cannabis
- Stirring occasionally, let the cannabis and butter infused together for at least 2 and up to 6 hours.
- Remove from heat and allow to cool for 10-15 minutes, but do not allow it to fully cool. It should still be runny for the next step
- Place the cheesecloth over the top of your mason jar and slowly strain the plant material from the melted butter or oil into the jar
- Place a lid on your Mason jar for storage. If saving for later, the butter and oil can be kept for the same shelf life as their non-infused counterparts
Do You Need Cannabutter to Make Weed Brownies?
In theory, you could just toss your decarbed bud directly into your brownie mix, but this method tends to make edibles taste too weedy and skunky. Additionally, there’s a good chance you’ll end up biting directly into little chunks of bud when you eat your brownie, so it might not be the best textural experience.
Instead, to make the best-tasting homemade weed brownies, you’ll want to use your decarboxylated bud to make cannabutter or canna-oil first and then infuse it into your recipe by wholly or partially replacing the non-infused butter with your infused option.
How to Make Weed Brownies
Now that you’ve gone through the steps of decarbing your cannabis and infusing it into your cannabutter, it’s time to make the brownies.
- Two mixing bowls, medium and large
- A wooden mixing spoon or spatula
- A whisk
- A saucepan
- A square baking pan (about 8 inches)
- Cooking spray or cooking oil
- ½ cup all-purpose flour
- ¼ teaspoon baking powder
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 1 cup white sugar
- ⅓ cup cocoa powder (or pre-made brownie mix if you’re in a pinch)
- Two large eggs
- ½ cup cannabutter
- One teaspoon vanilla extract
Step-By-Step Pot Brownie Recipe
- Preheat the oven to 350°F. Spray or otherwise lightly grease the baking pan. Set aside.
- Gently melt your cannabutter in a saucepan set to low-medium heat, removing from the heat as soon as it’s melted. Allow to cool for five minutes
- In a medium bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, salt, sugar and cocoa powder (or brownie mix)
- In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, cannabutter, and vanilla extract until light and frothy
- Sprinkle the dry mixture into the cannabutter mixture and stir until just combined
- Pour it into a greased baking pan, spreading the mixture evenly throughout the pan
- Place the pan in the oven and let it bake for 30-40 minutes, until a toothpick comes out mostly clean
- Allow brownies to cool for at least an hour
- Cut the brownies up into individual squares according to the desired number of servings and potency
Shop DC’s Best Cannabis for Homemade Weed Brownies
Looking for some high-quality cannabis perfect for baking brownies or other edibles? Visit our dispensary today or check out our online menu and shop a wide selection of premium cannabis flower that are great for baking, vaping, and smoking. Don’t forget to ask about our excellent deals and discounts so you can make tasty treats without breaking the bank.
Want to learn more about cannabis edibles? Check out our edibles product guide for more.
Read Rabbi Jeff Kahn’s testimony to the DC Council on 11/19/2021 in favor of Bill 34-113 the Medical Cannabis Amendment Act of 2021 and Bill 24-118, the Comprehensive Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Act of 2021
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה, יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ, מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ וְהִגִּיעָנוּ לַזְּמַן הַזֶּה.
This is a moment to celebrate for we have been kept alive, we have been sustained, and we’ve been brought to this moment when we begin to legalize the use of cannabis for all adults in Washington, D.C. Thank you Chairman Mendelson, Council Members McDuffie and Allen, and all the members of the Council of the District of Columbia for making today possible.
I don’t think anyone testifying today will oppose marijuana legalization. I-71 passed with 65% of the vote in 2014. I’m sure even more Washingtonians support full legalization now. But today you will hear many different ideas of who, how, what, where, and when it should be done. The proposed legislation aims to maintain and strengthen our medical cannabis program. That intention is stated several times in the proposed legislation. I don’t think anyone testifying today will oppose maintaining a strong medical cannabis program. We all want medical use and adult use and we all want it done correctly.
We will not be the first jurisdiction with a medical cannabis program to legalize all adult use. Washington State, Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Michigan, Alaska, New Mexico, and Illinois all had medical programs in place when their adult use programs began. All wanted to keep a medical program in place. Some have been far more successful than others.
The states that have succeeded have:
- Built their new adult use program on the foundation of their medical cannabis program. Takoma Wellness Center has a ten-year unblemished record of successfully operating in a heavily regulated and taxed DC cannabis program. Current and proposed rules and legislation call for additional medical dispensaries and cultivation centers. An Adult Use program will, no doubt, require even more. But the current licensed dispensaries and cultivators must be grand-mothered into any Adult Use program and must be able to sell cannabis to any adult as soon as the Act is effective. That is our first step to success.
- Established a large enough tax difference between medical and adult use cannabis to encourage medical patients to see a medical care provider and register with the state. It costs at least $200 to enter DC’s medical marijuana program. People will not spend that much and pay the same or a similar sales tax as adult use. The proposed legislation calls for a 13% sales tax for adult use and 6% for medical. The tax is too high to encourage medical registration or encourage regulated adult use sales. It would be best for adult use cannabis to be taxed at the regular 6%. Like any other medicine, medical cannabis should not be taxed at all. A low “recreational” tax and no medical tax is our second step.
- Allowed dispensaries that serve medical and adult use clients to mark all differences at the point of sale. It is at that point that all differences in tax, limits, products, and prices can be made. States that have adopted programs that require different entrances, inventories, counterspace, etc. have all found them excessively burdensome and unnecessary. We hope to see changes made to the proposed legislation to remove these stumbling blocks so we can succeed.
- Encouraged greater diversity and local participation by carefully expanding their program. We need to be sure that rules and regs are promulgated so that supply and demand are maintained. New players must be added to the program to serve more clients. ABRA is about to open applications for new cultivators and a dispensary. The legislation under consideration today doubles the number of dispensaries. DC currently has one the most diverse cannabis industries in the nation. Most of our dispensaries are Black and/or woman owned. We are encouraged that this legislation will keep us as local and as diverse as possible. That’s step four to our success.
Today, you are hearing many ideas about how DC can create a safe, legal, taxed, and regulated adult use cannabis market. Please remember that while doing so, we must maintain and strengthen our medical cannabis program, upon whose foundation the adult use program will be built. All current, licensed medical cannabis dispensaries must be able to sell to the general adult population as soon as regulations are finalized. We must stop taxing medical cannabis altogether and create a low adult use sales tax. We must continue to encourage diverse and local ownership. ABRA has already proven itself to be an outstanding regulatory authority, and we greatly appreciate Director Moosally’s leadership. Together, we can make all this happen and ensure the success of our efforts.
How to Dose THC: How Much THC Is Too Much?
As the ‘70s folk-rock songsters Brewer and Shipley learned, there really is such a thing as “One Toke Over the Line.” And for many cannabis consumers both new or returning to the fold, “how much THC is a lot” isn’t an idle question. While imbibing too much cannabis is very rarely dangerous, it can be unpleasant. And that’s the last thing we want you to experience.
As experienced cannabis consultants, we’re familiar with many of our customers’ concerns about accidental overindulgence. In the interest of fostering the most pleasant cannabis experiences possible, we’d like to share what we know about how to dose THC and know your limits.
We’ll also include a vital piece of information: a THC mg dosage chart to help you understand exactly how much THC is too much. It’s our goal that you feel comfortable, knowledgeable, and prepared for a positive experience with cannabis.
This guide covers how much cannabis you can safely consume as a beginner (and what to do if you’ve accidentally overindulged). By the time you’re done reading it, you should have a solid grounding in the mechanics of cannabis dosing.
How Much THC Is a Lot? A Very Personal Question
THC, of course, is the cannabinoid most directly responsible for the marijuana plant’s intoxicating properties. Before legalization, there were many horror stories about cannabis enthusiasts eating one infused brownie too many and vanishing into a black hole of paranoid couch lock. Nowadays, thanks to clearer, more consistent measuring of THC levels on packaged products, it’s easier than ever to make sure you get the appropriate dose for your experience level, metabolism, age, and body type.

But there’s a wrinkle in all this. Have you ever heard the expression “this isn’t your grandparents’ weed”? As the legal cannabis market grows and extraction and processing technologies improve, many cannabis products have become far more potent than they were even a few years ago. As a result, consumers who haven’t indulged since pre-legalization may find the cannabis they encounter is far stronger than expected!
So: How much THC is too much? The slightly unhelpful—but truly honest answer is—it depends! Some variables include your prior experience with cannabis, your age, your gender, how much food you consumed prior to taking an edible, and other factors. While a given person might feel plenty medicated after ingesting 5 mg, others might not feel much psychoactivity at all.
That’s why it’s imperative—especially for newer consumers—to approach dosages of slower-acting products such as edibles and tinctures with caution. “Start low and go slow” is the watchword here, and we recommend you wait and only gradually increase dosage from there.
Even with rapid-onset formats such as smoking or vaping, we recommend you wait at least 15 minutes before ingesting more cannabis. A given strain might be much more potent that the products you’re used to, and while you can always take more cannabis, you can’t take less.
All the cannabis-infused edibles we sell are clearly labeled with the amount of THC each serving contains, and we strongly recommend you always follow the edible dosage guidelines on the package. Also, keep in mind that this list is strictly for THC, and edibles with a combination of THC and CBD can affect you slightly differently. Why? That’s because clinical research (and anecdotal evidence) indicate that CBD tends to mitigate the psychoactivity associated with an excess of THC. It’s as if the cannabis plant has its own built-in “emergency brake” to make sure the experience isn’t too overpowering!
For the best possible experience, it’s always a good idea to have a real-life conversation with your friendly neighborhood budtender about your familiarity with cannabis, past experiences, and general metabolic characteristics.
How Much THC Is Too Much? Can You Overdose on Marijuana?
Let’s get this out of the way first: If you mean “fatal overdose,” you can’t (although a mysterious case from 2019 did raise questions). But you can definitely have too much and wish you hadn’t. The good news is that, typically, the experience is typically fairly brief.
In many of the cases reported by hospital ERs, patients inexperienced with cannabis have imbibed too quickly and are suffering from delusions: Paranoid behavior, visual or auditory hallucinations, and other such symptoms. It’s important to note that such cases typically occur in people who already suffer psychiatric disorders or are prone to them.
In short, overdosing on cannabis happens most often to people who don’t use THC products often and accidentally exceed their limits. It’s also more common when people mix cannabis with alcohol or other substances that can increase the effects.
How Many MG to Get High: THC Milligram Dosage Chart
So, how much THC is too much? Here are ranges to help you set general expectations. Again, it’s helpful to remember that everyone’s physiology is a bit different.
1 – 5 mg THC
This is generally regarded as the smallest of THC dosages, making it perfect for beginners as well as those of us who’d like to microdose. At this level we’ll typically feel mild relief of pain, stress, anxiety, and other symptoms. Some consumers experience heightened creativity as well.
5 – 15 mg THC
At this level of dosage, you’ll tend to feel stronger symptom relief. This is also where most consumers tend to feel a heightened sense of euphoria. You might also experience slight impairment of coordination and alteration of your perception of time. Anything under 15 mg is a good choice for helping with insomnia (especially with indica-dominant strains), while more energizing sativa-dominant strains can foster increased social interaction in some users.
15 – 30 mg THC
We recommend caution with inexperienced consumers ingesting dosages above 15 mg. This level is where newbies tend to experience paranoia, while seasoned users enjoy the heightened euphoria and relaxation. It’s also a good choice for cannabis patients who have developed tolerances to lower doses.
30 – 50 mg THC
At this dosage, most people experience impaired coordination and altered perception. That said, medical patients who have difficulty absorbing cannabinoids into their GI tract are helped by edible dosages of this level.
50 – 100 mg THC
This level is only for those experienced with THC. Even in seasoned consumers, negative side effects like paranoia and rapid heart rate can occur. Coordination is almost always impaired at this stage.
Beyond 100 mg THC
This level of dosage is only recommended for the most experienced consumers. Often called a “heroic dose,” it’s only for those who have taken high doses in this range before.

THC Dose: Signs You May Have Overindulged
It’s all very well for us to tell you overdosing on marijuana isn’t dangerous. When you’re in the middle of a bad experience, it can still feel overwhelming. Here are some telltale signs you might have ingested too much THC:
- You feel generalized, free-floating anxiety or paranoia
- You’re confused and unable to distinguish what’s happening from your imagination
- Your heart is racing
- You feel nauseated
- You feel dehydrated
How to Dose THC: What if I’ve Taken Too Much?
Suppose you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, to begin take a few deep breaths! Next, consider these tips to stop feeling so high:
- Stay calm. It might feel like forever, but these effects will only last a few minutes. We promise you’ll feel better soon!
- “Mom” yourself. What are the foods you find most comforting? How about a nice glass of water, or a piece of fruit? Feeding your body something nourishing and straightforward is a great way to get centered.
- Lie down and rest. You’ll feel better if you let your body relax and your mind roam. Find a dark, quiet place where you can be still and dream for a while.
- Get outside. If you’re feeling too anxious to stay still, indulging in a bit of nature time in a familiar place, like a garden or back yard, can help calm and focus your mind.
The most important thing you can do if you think you’ve consumed too much cannabis is try to stay cool, calm, and collected. Remember, this too shall pass!
How Much THC Is a Lot? Final Thoughts
Especially if you’re new to the world of cannabis, knowing how much THC is too much is vital information. We can’t say it enough times: “Start low, go slow.” Trust us, it’ll come in handy.
If you’re interested in learning more about how THC works in your body, we’d love to help! As Washington’s #1 family-run medical marijuana dispensary, we’re dedicated to helping you get the very most from your cannabis experience. Have any other questions about THC dosage? Just ask! We’re always here to help.
The Washington DC Dispensary Guide to Cannabis Microdosing
New (and seasoned) cannabis consumers can benefit from an understanding of microdosing. Here’s everything you need to know.
If you’re a seasoned cannabis consumer, you’re likely familiar with the potency race to the top. As cannabis becomes legal in a growing number of states, producers battle to attract consumers with products that pack a more potent punch.
But stronger doesn’t always mean better!
There are days when you want to experience the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, but you still need to get things done. That’s where cannabis microdosing, our Patient Consultant’s secret weapon for sustainable daily cannabis consumption, comes in. So what is cannabis microdosing? And how can you incorporate the benefits of micro-dosed cannabis into your daily routine? Let’s take a closer look!

What is cannabis microdosing?
First things first; what is cannabis microdosing? While the actual amounts of cannabis an individual uses for microdosing can vary from person to person, micro-dosing consists of using a minimal dose of cannabis, either by taking a small amount of a pure THC product or a larger amount of a high CBD, low THC product for a more mellow effect enjoyable over a long period.
The techniques of micro-dosing cannabis were initially associated with hallucinogens like LSD or mushrooms and have recently been expanded to investigate the potential of low dosage THC.
The idea is to balance the desirable benefits of THC and the sometimes overwhelming psychoactive effects to create a sustainable daily high.
How is cannabis microdosing different from a full dose of cannabis?
When it comes to cannabis consumption, microdosing is all about calibration. Rather than maxing out THC levels for a complete mind/body experience, the small doses utilized by practitioners of cannabis microdosing are designed to deliver precise effects.
Where consuming a full dose of THC creates a specific bodily experience that some find overwhelming, the effects of microdosing are far more subtle and vary from person to person depending on several factors, including the cannabis strain, dosage level, and your body’s tolerances. Basically–the effects of microdosing are more subtle and controlled, allowing you to experience the therapeutic benefits of THC while continuing to go about your day unimpeded by the psychoactive effects.
What are the benefits of cannabis microdosing?
So, why microdose? The short answer is, it all depends!
Individuals might try microdosing for a variety of reasons–depending on their physical and psychological needs. Some people enjoy the relief microdosing can provide for bodily conditions like relief from chronic pain or topical treatments for inflammation. In contrast, others turn to the treatment for conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
While most academic studies on microdosing have been done on psychedelic substances, consumers often report symptomatic relief; in addition, if you’re new to the world of cannabis consumption, microdosing can be a great way to test your tolerances and find out the right level of THC for your individual needs.

How to start cannabis microdosing?
First things first—let’s get you talking to a professional!
As with any change in your wellness or supplement routine, you should always check with an expert who understands the ins and outs of consumption to see if cannabis microdosing is right for you. A qualified Patient Consultant will help you determine if cannabis microdosing is right for you and determine the best place to start.
Once you’ve got the professional go-ahead, check out some of our favorite low-dose products! If you’re brand new to the world of microdosing, a high dosage CBD product like Abatin Wellness CBD oil can be a great place to start. A low THC/high CBD tincture like Liberty’s MediHaze allows you to control your dosage drop by drop. Or try a little infused honey for a sweetly light dose. Whatever product you choose, Takoma Wellness’ experienced budtenders are here to help guide you through your cannabis microdosing journey.
Ask a DC Budtender: The Rules of Cannabis Edibles Consumption
New cannabis consumers often approach edibles with a mixture of excitement, fear, and caution. We get it – edibles have an interesting reputation. But they shouldn’t. Our cannabis edibles basics will ensure you have the best experience – every time.
When it comes to cannabis edibles, there’s an element of mystery that can make taking the first bite of that infused chocolate bar (or oat bar, marshmallow crisp, or cookie in a jar) a nerve-wracking experience. How do you know the correct dosage? And what effects will you experience?
Unlike more familiar forms of cannabis, like flower and vape cartridges, it’s hard to make a visual assessment of the perfect amount (and variety) of cannabis edibles to suit your needs.
That’s why we decided to sit down with our favorite professional Patient Consultants to learn the ins and outs of cannabis edibles and how new consumers can ensure a perfect experience every time.

What are cannabis edibles?
Let’s start with the basics: what are cannabis edibles, and how do they work?
Put simply–a cannabis edible is any cannabis-infused food product that contains either THC or CBD. Some cannabis edibles enthusiasts prefer them for their convenience, while others like the relief of not worrying about the impact of smoking on their lungs.
These days, edibles come in many forms beyond the familiar pot brownie, from beef jerky to breakfast cereal! With the world of cannabis edible brands growing by the day, it’s easy to find a product to suit your palette (and dosage and effects requirements).
How long does it take cannabis edibles to kick in?
Edibles tend to take longer to kick in than inhalable cannabis products. Typically, you can expect to wait between 30-60 minutes to experience the effects of cannabis edibles. Many factors can affect the timing of cannabis absorption via edibles. Let’s go over a few:
- You might feel the effects of high dosage THC edibles more quickly than a lower dose product.
- Edibles you consume by sucking on them (like lozenges, lollipops, and gum) kick in faster since they’re absorbed directly through your saliva (they’re sublingual).
- Chewable edibles (like gummies, cookies, or that oat bar we talked about earlier) take longer to kick in since they have to be digested before your body absorbs the THC or CBD they contain.
- Other factors, like how empty your stomach is and your sex, weight, and cannabis tolerance, can affect how quickly your body reacts to edibles.
If you’ve consumed an edible and don’t yet feel the effects, have patience! Our Budtenders recommend waiting 24 hours before taking a second dose to avoid consuming too much. Instead, try eating something else to kick-start your digestion.

How do edibles make you feel?
One advantage of edibles is the intensity they offer compared to other cannabis products. Cannabis edibles create a more powerful high than some other consumption methods, and you’ll feel the effects longer than inhalable cannabis products.
That’s why it’s so important to read your labels and consult your budtender before embarking on a novel cannabis experience. Make sure you pay attention to serving sizes–what sounds like a reasonable dose for that chocolate bar you’re chowing down on might just represent the THC content of a single square!
The bottom line: whether you’re brand new to the world of edibles, or a seasoned pro, starting low and going slow is always the best advice. Taking a mindful approach to cannabis edible consumption will ensure you have a blissful, relaxing experience that’s 100% DC Budtender approved.
Do you have cannabis consumption questions? Drop by Takoma Wellness and ask a DC Patient Consultant (Budtender)! We’re here for you.