These Are the Most Influential People in the DC-Area Weed Business
A rabbi. A reality-TV star. An Olympic athlete. Pot is a booming Washington industry, helmed by a diverse roster of professionals employed in the business of growing, selling, marketing, and managing the newly (semi-) legal product. Illustrations by Jenny Rosenberg.
D.C. Dispensaries Welcome Looser Restrictions On Cannabis Classes
D.C. cannabis card holders looking to master the art of baking the perfect pot brownie or using a high-tech vaporizer could soon get to learn from licensed professionals at their local dispensary.
Last week, D.C.’s Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA) proposed new rules that would allow medical cannabis dispensaries to host educational events and demonstrations. That includes classes on how to “utilize marijuana paraphernalia” and “cook foods with medical marijuana,” according to the proposal.
The Kahn family’s long, strange trip to the D.C. pot business
The ‘Pot Rabbi’ views medical marijuana through a very Jewish lens
New Cannabis Ventures
Mission-Driven Takoma Wellness Grows as the Washington, D.C. Cannabis Market Evolves